Coaching for Academics and Writers

Do you find yourself struggling to write? Have good ideas but can’t manage to find the time to do them justice? Perhaps you are facing a difficult deadline (dissertation, journal article, book submission) and are in need of confidential support and accountability along the way? Or maybe you are about to begin (or are half-way through) a hard-earned sabbatical and are anxious to make the most of your time?

Writers and academics face intense pressure to produce excellent writing while juggling numerous competing demands on their time and energy. Whether you are also a teacher, researcher, or administrator, or perhaps a combination of all three with other responsibilities too, it can sometimes feel as if everything conspires against your intentions to write. 

It doesn’t have to be this way.

By engaging a coach, you can begin to take control of your writing and other commitments. Scheduling regular meetings with a coach can help you to impose internal deadlines and create a system of enhanced accountability for your writing projects. Some clients use the coaching sessions to brainstorm with the coach as a “thought partner,” to test and refine ideas, even to draft pieces of writing. Others use their sessions to hone their interview skills for employment and funding applications, improve their confidence in lecturing and teaching, or clarify their career plans. Most find tremendous value in these opportunities to reflect and recharge, to organise and plan strategically, all with a coach who brings academic and publishing experience, wide-ranging interest, and good humour to each confidential session.